Projects - Freeware - Windows
Some Win32 command line tools, written around 2000 in C++ using core Windows API. This makes those tools remarkebly small in size.
This software is beta: Use it AT YOUR OWN RISK, or don't use it at all! I may not be held responsible for any damage it may cause, directly or indirectly.
txtfilter.exe Win32 Console C++
Filter and convert text files.
- Filtering: skip lines containing/not containing a list of keywords or regular expression.
- Conversion: make upper case, lower case.
- Misc: prepend line numbers.

- Windows 9x or Windows NT >= 4
- Source was compiled on VC 6 (should compile everywhere with small modifications).
Copy/extract to any folder. (For easier access, add this folder to your PATH environment variable.)
TxtFilter [OPTIONS] [<INPUT] [>OUTPUT]type [MASK] | TxtFilter [OPTIONS] [>OUTPUT] Enter TxtFilter -? for a list of options.
- Copy lines containing 'error' or 'warning' (ignore case) from scr.txt to out.txt:
- TxtFilter -ic -ferror -fwarning <scr.txt >out.txt
- Copy lines containing 'foo bar' (exact spelling) from scr.txt to out.txt
- TxtFilter -f"foo bar" <scr.txt >out.txt
- Copy lines not containing 'foo' or 'bar' (exact spelling) from scr.txt to out.txt
- TxtFilter-iv -ffoo -fbar <scr.txt >out.txt
- Regular expressions can be used for more
sophisticated matching:
copy lines that start with 'a' or end with 'z' - TxtFilter -reg"^a|z$" <scr.txt >out.txt
- The 'type' command can be used to process
multiple files by specifying a mask:
copy all lines from all *.txt files to out.txt, prepend line numbers and convert to lower case - type *.txt | TxtFilter -lc -ln >out.txt
- Also, the TxtFilter command can be chained:
copy all lines from all log files that do not contain '192.168.' and contain 'query': - type *.log | TxtFilter -iv -f"192.168." | TxtFilter -fquery >out.txt
Known Issues
Poor checking: binary files or extremly long lines will propably RIP.wait.exe Win32 Console C++
Console program that waits for a given condition. This is particularly useful in batch files that start a sequence of programs that depend on each other.
- Duration: wait N seconds.
- Window title: wait until a window is found, that conatins a given string in the caption.
- Process name: wait until a process with a given name is running.
- Process window: wait until a process with a given name is running and has an visible window open.

- Windows XP or Windows NT >= 4 or Windows Server > 2000
- Source was compiled on VisualStudio 2005 (should compile everywhere with small modifications).
Copy/extract to any folder. (For easier access, add this folder to your PATH environment variable.)
wait [OPTIONS] [OUTPUT]Enter wait -? for a list of options.
C:\Prj\cpp\wait\release>wait -?
wait v1.0 (c) 2008 -- Apr 7 2008
-? Print this help.
-process Wait until a process named MATCH is running.
-procwin Wait until a process named MATCH has a visible top-level window.
-window Wait for a visible top-level window title that contains MATCH.
(This option is the default and may be omitted.)
-q Quiet mode.
-p Wait for [Enter] when done.
-dump Dump task list.
> wait 2
Wait 2 seconds.
> wait 10 "readme.txt - Editor"
Wait until 'readme.txt' is open in the Windows Editor.
Then return ERRORLEVEL 0. Timeout after 10 seconds with ERRORLEVEL 1.
> wait 0 "Mozilla Firefox"
Check: return ERRORLEVEL 0, if Firefox is running. ERRORLEVEL 1 else.
> wait 10 -process firefox.exe iexplorer.exe
Wait until Firefox OR Internet Explorer appear in the tasklist and
return ERRORLEVEL 0.
Timeout after 10 seconds with ERRORLEVEL 1.
> wait 10 -procwin firefox.exe
Return ERRORLEVEL 0, when Firefox has a visible top-level window.
Timeout after 10 seconds with ERRORLEVEL 1.
Matching is case-insensitive. If more than one MATCH is given, then OR is used.
Use double quotes (") if MATCH contains spaces.
Check the process list in the Task-Manager for the process name of a running
Skript examples:
Open a url and wait for the browser to open:
wait 10 "Google - "
Start a server if neccessary, then open a url, when it runs:
wait 0 -process nhttp.exe
start nhttp.exe
wait 30 nhttp.exe
wait 5
start http://localhost:8080/
Known Issues
This program uses psapi.dll, so it propably won't run on Windows 3.1, 95, 98 or ME.wintail.exe Win32 GUI C++
Monitor log files in realtime.
- Registers itself as File Explorer shell extension to add a
command to the context menu. - Implement a debug output window (even on a remote machine): let your debuggee write its output to a text file and open wintail. (Note: text file must be flushed after each line, so wintail gets notified.)
- Audible change notification (*beep* for any changes or if special keywords occur).
- Hilite lines containing keywords (e.g. 'error', ...).
- Filtering: skip lines containing/not containing a list of keywords or regular expression.
- Support for DOS and UNIX style text file.
- Support for binary files (simple hex viewer).

- Windows 9x or Windows NT >= 4
- Source was compiled on VC 6 (should compile everywhere with small modifications).
- Copy/extract to any folder
- Start WinTail.exe
- Open "View" - "Options..." Menu
- Click [Register as Shell extension]
- Right click on any file in the Windows File Explorer
- Choose "Open with Wintail..." or "Send to \ Wintail"
wintree.exe Win32 GUI C++
- Registers itself as File Explorer shell extension to add a
command to the context menu. - Quickly find folders that use up the most disk space.
- Identify folders that are worth compressing (eliminating cluster overhead).
- Find out how much disk space you would gain by changing the cluster size.
- Find out how much space a folder/branch would take on another drive with different cluster size (e.g. CDROM).

- Windows 9x or Windows NT >= 4
- Source was compiled on VC 6 (should compile everywhere with small modifications).
- Copy/extract to any folder
- Start WinTree.exe
- Open "View" - "Options..." Menu
- Click [Register as Shell extension]
- Right click on any file in the Windows File Explorer
- Choose "Open with WinTree..." or "Send to \ Wintail"