
A JavaScript tree/treegrid control.

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Online Demo

Wunderbaum is a rewrite of the Fancytree library. Major features include

  • Treegrid control with emphasis on "tree".
    Depending on the number of columns and nesting depth, Wunderbaum can also be used as a plain tree, plain grid, or a simple list control.
  • Performant and efficient handling of big data structures.
  • Use modern technologies with zero dependencies (except for icon fonts you may want to use).
    Drop legacy support (IE, jQuery, ...).
  • Built-in support for aria, drag and drop, editing, filtering, multi-selection.
  • Fully controllable using the keyboard.
  • Framework agnostic.
  • Written in TypeScript, transpiled to JavaScript ES6 with type hints (.esm & .umd).
